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Real medal
75mm x 50mm, ribbon 90mm. Ready for dispatch
E-Race bib
Race number & name presented sent via email within 24h after booking
E - Certificate
Personal certificate to print sent via email 24h after result submission
Time & distance presented sent via email 24h after result submission
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Personal certificates & E-badge will be sent via email within 24h of your result submission. Real medal will be shipped out in 2 working days after result submission
Achilles Virtual Run - VIRTUAL RUN INSPO
Before we start our Achilles Virtual Run we must get to know his story. So who was he?
Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis, was the greatest of all Greek heroes who took part in the Trojan War. He is a symbol of strength, power and courage. Achilles was described also as the bravest, most handsome, warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. Achilles’ mother Thetis abandons her husband and son to return to live with the sea nymphs when Achilles is still young. Needing some help raising Achilles, Peleus sends him to be educated by a centaur named Chiron.
Being a goddess, Thetis wasn’t all that happy to be cruelly destined to one day see her son being taken away from her by merciless Death. Knowing that her child was ordained to either die the death of a glorious warrior or live a long life in mystery, Thetis bathed Achilles as an infant in the waters of the River Styx, thus making him all but immortal: only the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable. However, as prophesized, this proved costly, because Achilles eventually died from an arrow wound in that heel. Guided by Apollo, the fateful arrow was shot by Paris, the brother of Troy’s most celebrated hero Hector, whom Achilles had previously killed in a face-to-face duel, in an attempt to avenge the death of his closest friend, Patroclus.
Why was Achilles raised by a centaur? Centaurs, who have the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse, are often represented in Greek art as violent and savage creatures, but Chiron was known for his wisdom and had educated other heroes including Heracles and Jason.
Program “Run Help Inspire” by Perunrace. Dear runners and good causes lovers, our entire team is very excited to announce that from 2022 we are launching our charity program. We truly believe that sport is more than just a physical activity – In our team sport means dedication, support and unity. Runners are people with big hearts and love to help, they are also visionairs and aim for better future. That is why we wоuld like to support with your help various charitable campaigns and causes related to environmental protection or helping people and children in need. Above on this page you will find information about the cause you can help by donating. Read more about our causes